Why is performing exercises correctly so important?
Did you know correct for one person may not actually be the same for the next person?
When you see words like precise and accurate you probably associate them to measuring at least and probably to an even greater extent some form of science. You are right to be making these connections so the next question would be “how do these words relate to physical fitness and working out in general?” And again you would be asking a worthwhile question. So let’s first look at what each word means before we tie them back to our training philosophy at Only Human.
Precision – the ability to reproduce a given measurement
If you google precision you are going to see definitions that say things along the lines of “the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate”. I argue that if you are exact and accurate then you should be able to recreate that result time and time again. So we will use the definition of precision to mean that we can reproduce a given measurement consistently.
Accuracy – the quality or state of being correct
On this instance a search for the definition of accuracy will bring you to statements very similar to what you see above. So what does it mean? It means that when you do something you are doing it to the accepted standard which should result in a quality result.
So with these two definitions in mind how do they relate to physical training? The ability to perform exercises in an established safe and functional way helps prevent injury and maximize the results of a given activity. This is where accuracy comes in. We will look into how exercises can all be slightly different for every individual in another article but the established standard for each movement is the best place to start when trying something new. Consistency is the plan for the year and precision lines up with that nicely. The ability to perform those exercises accurately and repeat that accuracy every time is how results are made. This is where we see precision in training the ability to reproduce a given thing (the right thing) over and over again.
Now that we understand what is meant by precise accurate performance it’s time to get started! What is the first thing you are going to apply your accuracy and precision to?